Jul 3Liked by miles.mcstylez

They could be compared to Winston’s colleagues in “1984” listening enraptured to the official news reports on over production and reaching multi times the quotas of wheat. Sure, they are technically “informed” but only in the meaningless Party line and fake statistics that have been doctored to suit the establishment. It’s just embarrassing if someone would take a step back and evaluate how often they have been wrong on nearly every core piece of information even on one subject like Covid when schizo bodybuilders on Twitter knew most of the answers within a month.

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What was the truth on Covid?

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That a pangolin r@ped a bat who shat in the newly bought and eaten bowl of soup by a lab worker at Wuhan and infected her with an impossible virus she infected the other lab workers with who then spread it to the Chinese population, of course.

Wouldn’t want tp spread conspiracies, so I’m sticking to the tRutH!!1!

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“…when schizo bodybuilders on Twitter knew most of the answers within a month” Brilliant!!

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The Left's strategy is to advance two steps, retreat one step. Maybe they will re-institute bans on trans men in women's sports. Maybe they will hire a few more White nerds to keep the planes in the air. But the idea that this stuff will ever be repealed without a serious, actual fight is another "culture warrior" delusion.

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Even if they live in a bubble, some of what they believe cannot be explained just by bubble-induced myopia. Much of it is energetic denial as well as mental distortion. Who could look at America's southern border and view as anything other than a disaster? A very visible disaster. What about the addicts walking the streets like zombies? Or just the squalor in general.

It has to be borderline mental illness at this stage. Plus a tendency to think emotionally.

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Most liberals don't live anywhere near the border so all they see is whatever CNN chooses to show them, and they fight tooth and nail to work from home so they don't have to see the addicts in squalor on their daily commute. Out of sight, out of mind.

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Yes you could be right. It could be that simple. A well maintained personal bubble.

Absolutely frightening to think people will destroy their entire world to maintain a mental delusion.

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Also, these people feel guilty about being citizens of a first-world country. For equality to exist on a global level, you have to let the poor pour in. That's how I understood Louis C.K. on the Joe Rogan podcast.

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Most liberals live in cities and are more concerned with street crime, homelessness and fentanyl overdoses. Which is completely reasonable, as most people care most about what is happening in their communities. Do you care about homelessness?

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Citation needed that liberals are *actually* concerned about street crime (they keep voting for decarceral DAs), homelessness (the homelessness industrial complex is big business) or fentanyl (liberals love flooding streets with opioids and calling it safer supply).




I think a large percentage of the chronically homeless need to be institutionalized in psychiatric facilities; something liberals campaigned against and successfully got those facilities shut down.


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

You are living in the past. Progressive DA Chesa Boudin was recalled in SF and the Progressive DA Pamela Price is next. The top candidates for Mayor in SF are all promising to get tough on crime and the top poller is the most vocal.

Reagan opened the insane asylums in California, albeit with the support of the ACLU.

Crime is also falling massively all over the country, and especially in large cities:


Fentanyl addiction is particularly bad in red states like West Virginia and I don't see them doing anything about it.


I guess by your logic conservatives must love fentanyl overdoses. Is that right?

I agree that large portion of the chronically homeless should be institutionalized, both for their own safety and the safety of others. Scott Wiener (a very liberal State Senator from San Francisco) just relaxed the ability of government to be able to do that. We need to do much more here. You probably don't realize this, but this is becoming the majority opinion in California.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

There are still plenty of woke DAs like Bragg and Krasner in office, and the fentanyl capital of the world is uber-woke Vancouver.


California public opinion belatedly coming around is pretty much the entire thrust of this article - progressives EVENTUALLY figure out what conservatives knew all along. But a whole lot of damage gets done during the lengthy journey of discovery.

How many more years do you expect before majority opinion in California reflects that "gender affirming pediatric care" is horrendously unscientific and well described by Abigail Shrier as causing "irreversible damage"?


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It’s good that we have federalism so localities can pass laws more suitable to their populace and also so regions can experiment with new ideas and successful ones emulated. Ideas go both ways: a couple of obvious ones would be gay marriage and marijuana legalization. I doubt anyone will care a bit about gender surgery in five years or even two years, it’s just a temporary craze to obsess over such a tiny portion of the population doing something insignificant.

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Rule of thumb: If you deny the southern border problem, you have a borderline problem.

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Right wing zionist think you're so clever: "I'm going to put anti zionism under the unbralla of "anti semitism" and no one will notice! People are to stupid to see I'm demonizing my opposition for mere criticism of an overtly hostile nation and foreign elite!

But we know exactly what you're doing it's just as obvious as when a leftist calls you waycist for bringing up 13%ers or a call for a Mexican border.

And now you're calling us "anti semitic" for condemning a genocide that Israel admits to.

Ya can't see the forest while you're in it I guess.

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I agree with you, but I'll admit it isn't as clear cut as you make out. There are a lot of actual retards wearing Hamas teatowels and praising the Hamas attacks etc. Whether or not they're committedly anti-jew is probably questionable, but there is starting to be some public friction on the left with Islamist types who were previously well inside the tent, proving that they have been there for a while.

But I think you're generally correct, and the inclusion of promoting Bari Weiss in this essay makes the alarm bells ring for me. It's obvious that the jewish lobby has suddenly started an 'enemy of my enemy' campaign to divert the populist right's energy into support for Israel, and unfortunately a lot of people are getting sucked into it.

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Most people don’t give a fuck about any of that.

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It’s intentional. It takes an order or magnitude more energy to change someone’s opinion than it does to form one. We have created a society where media outlets appeal to the biases of their target audience. Everyone gravitates to an echo chamber telling them half truths of what they want to hear.

Once you are aware of this effect, you learn that you must force yourself to seek out the uncomfortable ‘other’ half truth and reconcile the stories.

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Embrace "moral clarity" now, embarrass yourself later.

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I will be overjoyed when conservatives embrace "science" and start to believe in things like anthropogenic global warming, the health benefits of vaccines, evolution, etc. It's long past time that we had a serious and credible conservative intelligencia. Truth only comes from the clash of opinions.

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This is one of the big problems right now. Though part of it is being conservative in intelligentsia is a death sentence to your career, so you can see why there are not many. Anyone with a brain gets on board the liberal train or if they cannot stomach that, just finds something else to do with their talents.

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Well let's take an inventory:

1) Russia election interference

2) Hunter Biden's laptop is a Russian plant

3) COVID 19 came from a wet market

4) you won't get COVID 19 if you are immunized

5) two weeks to save the spread

6) respirators are effective, masks are effective, social distancing is effective

7) Jan 6 was an insurrection

8) Donald Trump started the Jan 6 insurrection

9) Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack

10) Joe Biden is honest he never lies to the American people

11) The border is secure

12) ... etc etc etc

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Liberals are very well informed……. About their elitist “feelings”

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lmao there was no racist roots behind it it is from china and it was the china virus. get over it.

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I think liberals' denial of the hideous destruction of childhood liberty, fertility and sexual function with the trans movement is the left's biggest shame. And they're *still* having to be dragged kicking and screaming to reality.

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Conservatives in general believe charactered and extreme distortions of liberals beliefs and visa versa. Very few even bother to try and understand the point of view of anyone even slightly different than themselves.

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As long as China pursues GoF research, we will continue to suffer from novel viruses, bacteria and spirochetes.

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Variants of antisemitism is a new one. I don’t think many other governments are so beyond reproach as the Israeli government.

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Wow!! Perfectly expressed. I had a saying... "Mainstream media is independent media, two years late." Literally every liberal I speak with says things like, "No, I haven't heard that." Or "That's weird...sounds like a conspiracy theory to me." And then, slowly but surely it's allowed to sneak into 'their' news sources...about 2 years after the fact. Slopes just changed the 'very fine people' narrative. Are they afraid things will turn on them?

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